01/07/2019 to 01/07/2019 3:05pm

Design School Uniform & Workwear will be selling the uniform (Underneath the canopies on the main playground if it is sunny or in the school hall if it is raining) on the following date: 

1st July – 3:05pm


Please follow the Link to Design Uniform & Workwear’s website if you would like to purchase the uniform online and then either get a home delivery, collection from the store or a school drop (All parents selecting this will have their uniform delivered to school in a bulk drop with other parents who have also selected this option). All prices and discounts will be found on the stores website or discussed within the shop.

Please follow the link provided to find more information about our uniform – https://www.cookridgeprimary.co.uk/parents-and-carers/uniform/

Contact Us

Tinshill Drive
West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
