Family Support and Attendance

 Family Support and Attendance.

Hi, my name is Susan Brosnan and my role within school is the Family Support and Attendance Officer.  There are many different aspects to my role but one of the main roles is to help strengthen and develop parent/carer’s  confidence in their abilities, which in turn helps their children to deal with emotional, social and behavioural difficulties which otherwise would impact on their education and future wellbeing. 

I have listed below  the many different ways I help support parents/carers – by no means is this a fully comprehensive list:

  • Be here to listen to any adult concerns and offer advice, support and at times challenge perceptions
  • Sign post to other agencies
  • Assist with completing forms
  • Check eligibility for free school meals and pupil premium (Please click if you would like to fill a Free School Meals application form)
  • Help and assist anyone going through separation, divorce, Marac
  • Support with parenting contracts
  • Work with families that are working with Social Care and Early Help Plans
  • Budget advice and support
  • Provide food bank vouchers
  • Support parent/carers at appointments
  • Assist parent/carers who are struggling with their children’s attendance at school.
  • Provide a free breakfast club for all children in school.


Forms to Complete

Title Published Expires
Application Form for Free School Meals 03/06/2019 Never
Arrange contact with Mrs Brosnan 26/04/2019 Never


Procedures for sickness:

·         parents must contact school by telephone, e-mail or submitted the form – (Arrange contact with Mrs Brosnan) on the first day of absence.  

·         Otherwise this is classed as unauthorised absence.

·         After 3 days of absence a statutory welfare visit will be undertaken – child must be seen. 

·         If child is not seen, parents must provide medical evidence of illness otherwise the absence will be regarded as unauthorised and so a Penalty Notice maybe be issued. 

·         Children who have 5 days of unauthorised absence in a term – this can result in a Penalty Notice being issued. 


Procedures for Holidays/exceptional leave:

·         Parents to complete Exceptional leave form and hand into school office with as much notice as possible (these are available from school office or follow this link)

·         Letter will be sent from school stating if leave has been authorised or not. 

·         If not authorised, this will result in a Penalty Notice fine – £60  per child per person who have parental responsibility.

·         Please read complete Attendance policy on website (follow this link) or discuss with Mrs Brosnan prior to booking holiday.

·         This is Government policy which School must follow. 

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Contact Us

Tinshill Drive
West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500