Dear parents and carers,
This year in Reception we will be creating observations of the learning that takes place in order to assess and track your child’s progress. To assist us in creating these observations we will be using a software package called Tapestry. This software allows us to write about the learning that has taken place, add pictures and even videos. Tapestry is great as it allows you to log on to your child’s Tapestry account safely and securely in order to view these observations. Crucially though, it allows you to make observations of your child at home so that they can be added to their learning profile.
This is important for teachers to gain an accurate and comprehensive overview of your child’s progress so please have a go. Please sign your agreement in the Permissions area within the Pupils Admission Form, to enable us to set up your child’s account and provide you with the log on details.
Rest assured, many schools use this software and it is completely safe and secure. You will receive emails when new observations are added and you will have your own secure log on details. If you have and concerns, please come and talk to a Reception teacher.
When you see * it means that you will not be able to submit the form until this section is populated. When all fields are populated and you wish to submit the form, please press the submit button (end of the document) and you should receive a submission pop-up to confirm the school has received it.