Year 3 – Home Learning – Commencing Wednesday 6th January


In the event of the school closure, or your child/ren or family member is self isolating, we have designed this page to help parents at home with work for your child/ren to complete. Please follow each day as if it was a day at school.

There is a compulsory meeting with a teacher between the hours of 1:00pm-2:00pm for Year 3 using Microsoft Teams. The login details have been sent home with your child. If these have been misplaced or you are having problems logging in, please email

Any work can be completed in a notebook or using paper, photographed, videoed and can be emailed back to us using the email address above. If the work is set on Purple Mash, please ensure you press the ‘hand in’ button or your teacher will not be able to send feedback. 


Weekly Timetable - Week Commencing Wednesday 6th January

Wednesday - 06/01/21


1.  15mins of Times Table Rockstars

2.  Fluency 15 (15mins) : 

Year 3 Fluency 15 task

3. Please log in to Purple Mash and complete the two activities from your 2do list which have been set for you today titled ‘3 x table pairs’ and ‘3x Table’.

Miss Brophy’s Group:

1. TT Rockstars (30 mins, link above) 

2. Fluency Activity (15 mins)

Miss Brophy Fluency Task

3. There are some activities on Purple Mash for you to complete. 

Please make sure where appropriate you ‘hand in’ your work so that Miss Brophy can check it and help you where necessary. 

Break Time


1.  Spelling Shed (10mins) : 

2. This week’s English work will be set on Purple Mash. Use this link to access:

Please login using your individual log in details. If you are unsure of these, please message the email given above in red. 

Every day you will have:

a) A chapter to read from ‘Clean Sweep’ and questions to hand in.

b) A grammar activity to complete on word classes.

Miss Brophy’s Group:

1. Spelling shed (30 minutes, link above)

Purple Mash Activities:

2. Phonics activity 

3. A story book for you to read a chapter each day. There are some quiz questions linked to your reading task to complete as well as some other spelling and grammar activities.

Please make sure where appropriate you ‘hand in’ your work so that Miss Brophy can check it and help you where necessary. 

Lunch Time

1:00  –  2:00pm  – 

Available Check ins with teacher e.g. help with work, check in, share your worries 

Microsoft Teams


Please click on the link below to complete the art task for today. 

LKS2 Make like Giacometti

Thursday - 07/01/21


1.  15mins of Times Table Rockstars

2.  Fluency 15 (15mins) : 

Year 3 Fluency 15 task

3. Please log in to Purple Mash
and complete the two
activities from your 2do list
which have been set for you
today titled ‘4x table
spreadsheet’ and ‘4x table

Miss Brophy’s Group:

1. TT Rockstars (30 mins, link above) 

2. Fluency Activity (15 mins)

Miss Brophy Fluency Task

3. There are some activities on Purple Mash for you to complete. 

Break Time


1. Spelling Shed (10mins) : 

2. This week’s English work will be set on Purple Mash. Use this link to access:

Please login using your individual log in details. If you are unsure of these, please message the email given above in red. 

Every day you will have:

a) A chapter to read from ‘Clean Sweep’ and questions to hand in.

b) A grammar activity to complete on word classes.

Miss Brophy’s Group:

1. Spelling shed (30 minutes, link above)

Purple Mash Activities:

2. Phonics activity 

3. A story book for you to read a chapter each day. There are some quiz questions linked to your reading task to complete as well as some other spelling and grammar activities.

Please make sure where appropriate you ‘hand in’ your work so that Miss Brophy can check it and help you where necessary. 

Lunch Time

1:00  –  2:00pm  – 

Available Check ins with teacher e.g. help with work, check in, share your worries 

Microsoft Teams


Please click on the link below to complete the PE activities for today. 

Home PE Healthy Hearts

Friday - 08/01/21


1.  15mins of Times Table Rockstars

2.  Fluency 15 (15mins) : 

Year 3 Fluency 15 tasks

3. Please log in to Purple Mash
and complete the two
activities from your 2do list
which have been set for you
today titled ‘8x table
spreadsheet’ and ‘Times
tables 3,4,8’.

Miss Brophy’s Group:

1. TT Rockstars (30 mins, link above) 

2. Fluency Activity (15 mins)

Miss Brophy Fluency Task

3. There are some activities on Purple Mash for you to complete. 

Please make sure where appropriate you ‘hand in’ your work so that Miss Brophy can check it and help you where necessary. 

Break Time


1.  Spelling Shed (10mins) : 

2. This week’s English work will be set on Purple Mash. Use this link to access:

Please login using your individual log in details. If you are unsure of these, please message the email given above in red. 

Every day you will have:

a) A chapter to read from ‘Clean Sweep’ and questions to hand in.

b) A grammar activity to complete on word classes.

Miss Brophy’s Group:

1. Spelling shed (30 minutes, link above)

Purple Mash Activities:

2. Phonics activity 

3. A story book for you to read a chapter each day. There are some quiz questions linked to your reading task to complete as well as some other spelling and grammar activities.

Please make sure where appropriate you ‘hand in’ your work so that Miss Brophy can check it and help you where necessary. 

Lunch Time

1:00  –  2:00pm  – 

Available Check ins with teacher e.g. help with work, check in, share your worries 

Microsoft Teams


Please complete a fun activity of your choice. 


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Tinshill Drive
West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500