EYFS Newsletter – 30/09/2022

We have had another busy week in Reception!

In Phonics we have been looking at the graphemes ‘s’, ‘a’ and ‘t’ and the sounds that they make. The children practiced forming the letters both inside and out, had a go at identifying the graphemes in a jumble of other letters and also worked in groups to identify the phonemes at the start of different words.

In Maths we have been comparing amounts of objects and also heights using vocabulary such as; fewer, more, taller and shorter. The children ordered numicon tiles by size and enjoyed making number representations using 5 frames and then comparing them with a friend to see who has more. We read and acted out the story ‘A Squash and a Squeeze’ and talked about whether there was more or less room in the house at each stage of the story. 

On Thursday we had forest school and had a lovely day out on the field. The children had the chance to try several different activities including; helping to build a fire, playing hide and seek in the trees and using tarps to get between pretend islands in the lava! We also played the game ‘This is not a stick’ and the children did a super job using their imagination to think of ideas for what the stick could be!

Other activities the children had enjoyed around the classroom this week include; using the DT area, having a go at some autumn tree finger painting, completing jigsaw puzzles and making repeating patterns using beads.

Next week it is PE on Tuesday.

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LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
