EYFS Newsletter – 02.12.2022

Through all the fog these week we have had a fun time in Reception!

Our Forest Schools session on Thursday celebrated National Tree Week by inviting children to help plant new trees about the school grounds. Despite the chilly weather, the children loved getting stuck in and having a go. Ms Colefax then spent time tree-bathing with the children as she led an outdoor yoga session which was very entertaining all-round!

Phonics this week has seen the children learning and applying the last phonemes that make up ‘phase 2’ of our scheme, which was the digraph (2 letters that make one sound) ff (off) and ll (bell). Children have also rehearsed reading and spelling of ‘tricky’ words such as the, no and go which cannot be phonically decoded and are really helpful in boosting reading fluency and confidence. 

Maths sessions have concentrated on strategies around counting accurately, with children tasked with helping to count out and distribute presents for Santa! 

On Wednesday, the whole school took part in a Reader Swap, with children moving around school to read with each other. In Reception,  year 3 and 4 children visited our class to read with us, whilst some children visited Class 6 to read with the older children. 

Of course, a good portion of our week has been given over to rehearsing Reception’s Christmas performance, and the children did fantastically in their first performance for an audience when the key stage 1 children came to watch a rehearsal on Friday.

Friday afternoon was, of course, Cookridge’s Christmas Fair! In preparation for the event all Reception children made a beautiful reindeer decoration from their own handprint and helped to bring in a wonderful selection of bottles, treats and gifts. Thank you too all families in Reception for your tremendous generosity in making the Christmas Fair such a success!

We hope you have a wonderful weekend!

DATE FOR THE DIARY: Wednesday 7th December at 2:30 p.m. – Reception’s performance of ‘Christmas Counts’. 


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West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
