EYFS Newsletter – 07.10.2022

At the end of another fun-packed week, we have lots to tell you about…

Our topic of All About Me has seen us sharing stories of special days and of special toys. It would be lovely to see some photos of any special times you have at home! Some children also got involved in a project to create a puppet theatre in our outside space (opening soon!).

In phonics sessions this week, we have continued to learn new phonemes to familiarize ourselves with the letter sounds in ‘phase 2’ of our scheme.  In a a variety of activities, the children have learned and used the phonemes ‘p’ ‘i’ and ‘n’. Thank you to everyone that was able to attend Mr Kerr’s phonics workshop on Thursday this week. It was so wonderful to see so many wanting to help out with reading and writing at home (don’t worry if you were unable to attend, there are plans afoot for an after school session in the near future!).

Maths this week has seen the children exploring patterns. It has been delightful to see how much the children have enjoyed identifying and making repeating patterns. 

Tuesday’s PPA day was lots of fun as always, with children enjoying dedicated art, music, D.T. and P.E. sessions.

NEXT WEEK: Thursday 13th October is Reception’s Forest School day so please dress children appropriately for being outdoors.

Please enjoy having a look at some of the highlights of this week in the photos below!

Have a great weekend!


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West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
