EYFS – Newsletter – 13.10.23

What a super week we have had this week in reception!

In phonics this week we have been consolidating the sounds we have learnt so far; s,a,t,p,i,n, and concentrated on recognising the sound at the beginning of words (the initial sound). The children have enjoyed finding objects, both on picture sheets and physical items from around the classroom, and sorting them based on their initial sound. Outside, we took up the challenge of finding other children with the same secret letter card when only allowed to communicate by saying the associated phoneme. Next week we will be continuing recapping s,a,t,p,i,n.

In maths be have been investigating making and continuing repeating patterns. In the sessions we created simple AB patterns (eg red, blue, red, blue) using coloured cubes and different actions and movements. We also read the story ‘We’re Going On A Bear Hunt’ and talked about the different repeating patterns we found in the book.

This week as part of our All About Me topic and our discussion about the 5 senses, we were challenged to identify two items by their smell (garlic and vinegar), describe the difference between two musical sounds, identify an piece of train track only by touch, taste and then describe a food (this week pumpkin seeds) and also try and work out what an object is used for by only looking at it (a VHS tape)!

It was World Mental Health Day on Tuesday. As a class we discussed different feelings and the children had a great time demonstrating how their faces might look if they were feeling certain emotions!

On Thursday we had forest schools and everyone enjoyed playing on the treehouse! In groups we went a nature walk and hunted for signs of the change in seasons. We used our senses to see, feel, hear and smell signs of autumn around our school field and gardens. Everyone had a great time hunting for different colours leaves, acorns, pine cones and chestnuts out and about in the environment. We discussed how some trees will lose their leaves as the weather cools, but how evergreen trees stay green all year round. 

Back in the classroom, we have continued investigating the theme of Autumn by listening and acting along to a special NowPressPlay experience about Autumn. We have also used leave stamps and the objects collects in forest school to do some autumn themed observational drawings.

Have a lovely weekend!

Dates for the dairy:

  • Last day before half term – Friday 27th October
  • First day back after half term – Monday 6th November
  • Parent consultations – Tuesday 7th and Wednesday 8th November

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West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
