EYFS – Newsletter – 13/11/2020

What a productive week it’s been in Reception! The children are taking new learning in their stride and have been busy investigating the sounds within words this week. Our phonics focus has been to find the initial sounds in words but the children have been inquisitive when listening to where a given sound appears. In math the children have been learning to add 1 more to a set as well as learning about circles and triangles. They created some super pictures using shapes! Our performance stage has been busy too this week with lots of children choosing to sing and play instruments. We’ve had some very skilled performances!

Next week is Forest schools week and we will be learning to take 1 away in maths whereas in phonics we will be learning to use the phonemes o and c. We will also be sending home reading books on Monday. Have a great weekend!

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LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
