EYFS – Newsletter – 17.11.23

What a blustery week we have had in Reception!

The wind at the start of the week brought down many, many leaves from the trees surrounding our playground however the children were very quick to ask to get involved and help with the leaf clearing process!

In Phonics we have been looking at the graphemes ‘ck’, ‘e’ and ‘u’ and the sounds that they make. We discussed the meaning of the word diagraph and the everyone enjoyed being able to show off that they could use this new word. During our phonics sessions we worked hard to read and match words and pictures using this weeks graphemes, arrange letter cards to make labels for different images, and sort raindrop pictures into those that have ‘u’ as a medial sound and those that don’t.

In maths we have been investigating the numbers 4 and 5. The children did a super job sorting different representations of these numbers and even creating some of their own, as well as listening and singing along to the song ‘Five Little Speckled Frogs’ and demonstrating they knew how many frogs were in and out of the water at any time using a part whole model. Outside, the children had the chance to take turns to be shopkeepers and customers by selecting and counting the correct amount of ‘pennies’ to pay for each item.

Monday was ‘World Kindness Day’ and to celebrate we followed a tutorial to draw teddy bears holding love hearts. Whilst discussing different ways we can show kindness, many children decided that they wanted to make the adults around school smile by giving away their pictures. Once the pictures were finished we set off and the children delivered their artwork and certainly made a lot of staff members days!

Thank you so much to everyone who brought in some cardboard for the children to junk model with. We have received more than enough to kept the children crafting away for a good long while. We will let you know if we ever need any more.

This term, as part of our Toytown topic, the children have been enlisted by Santa to help at an outpost of his North Pole workshop (in our DT area). All the children have been asked to build a toy robot over the next few weeks to help Santa keep up with his orders and several children have already taken on this challenge.

Have a lovely weekend!

Dates for the dairy:

  • Wednesday 22nd November – School photos

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0113 386 2500
