EYFS Newsletter – 18.11.2022

What a wonderful, if wet, week we’ve had in Reception!

Our topic of Toys has found children inspired by books about toys such as ‘Paper Dolls’ and ‘Traction Man’. The children enjoyed having a chance to make their own paper dolls and were encouraged to decorate each individually and give them all names. Whilst others chose to tell ‘Traction Man’ tales in the role play and construction areas. 

Phonics sessions this week introduced the new phonemes r, h and b, with the children challenged to read and write words and sentences using these letter sounds. This week, Maths saw the children exploring the concepts of 1 more and 1 less in different way: building towers; buying ‘buns’ and counting out beads.

Thursday’s Forest School session was a very rainy affair but the children got stuck in with our Mini-beast themed sessions. The rain actually helped us as we were out hunting for worms and they were out in force as we dug in the soil and overturned logs. It was lovely to see the kids so engaged with nature and, once back in the dry, they enjoyed observing the worms closely. 

Of course, time has been dedicated to rehearsing our Christmas production, which is coming along really well. For the first time we have read through start-to-finish and will soon be getting the costumes out! 

Have a good weekend!

The Reception Team



Friday 2nd December – Cookridge Christmas Fair – 3:30 p.m.

Wednesday 7th December – Reception Christmas Performance – 2:30 p.m. 




Contact Us

Tinshill Drive
West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
