EYFS – Newsletter – 19.05.2023

A rare five day week in May has flown by in Reception! We’ve been keeping up with our topic of Let It Grow! by preparing ground for wildflower planting, as well as keeping our bean plants and radish seedlings looked after with a drink of water when it was needed. We also talked about roots and what they do for plants, and some children chose to do some fabulous cut-out pictures of root vegetables. On Friday, we calmed a class of giddy children with a hungry caterpillar themed yoga session!

This week has also been our last with the chicks in class too as they have grown so much they are ready to fly the classroom coop! From this weekend the chicks will be moving into the hen house in the school garden where they shall finish maturing and before long we hope to be gathering their eggs on a daily basis. It has been such an stimulating time having watched the chicks hatch from their eggs and then grow in front of our eyes week by week.

Phonics this week saw us revisiting and rehearsing how to hear, read and write the trigraph (three letters that make one sound) phonemes ‘air’ ‘ear’ and ‘ure’. The children’s reading and writing continues to amaze us all as they become more confident and more independent to show us all they can do!

Our Maths sessions have concentrated on the concept of doubling, with the children exploring how to show and find doubles in jigsaw games, hunts and art activities. 

Thursday saw the whole school taking part in a special day to celebrate Eid and Reception had a great time joining in. The children helped to prepare some food to contribute to the party in the school hall in the afternoon. There was great spread of delicious food and drink and the children had a ball, getting temporary tattoos and taking part in Bollywood style dancing!

We’re looking forward to next week’s trip to Non-G0-Bye Farm, so please could anyone who has not yet completed the permission form or made payment please do so as soon as possible. Thank you!

Have a fantastic weekend!

The Reception Team


Next Week:

Thursday 25th May – It is Reception’s Forest School Day, part of which shall be spent at the farm, so can children all please arrive to school in clothing and footwear appropriate to the weather. 

Friday 26th May – School is closed to all pupils for a staff training day.



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Tinshill Drive
West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
