EYFS – Newsletter – 21.07.2023

Well we have come to the end of a fantastic year in Reception! It has been a joy getting to know all the children so well and seeing them all develop and grow into such wonderful, respectful and hard-working children. All the staff have had a great year and will miss the children very much – but we’ll still see them around school next year!

The start of this week saw everyone learning of their new teachers and the children spent mornings in their new classrooms. Mrs Koopman, Miss Devine and all the rest of the KS1 staff were very impressed by how well the children settled into the new classes and how they showed such enthusiasm for being Year 1 pupils. We are certain they are going to love it next year and will keep making us proud as they go on with their Cookridge journeys. 

In our last week in Reception, the children have all been completing some Summer themed workbooks, with lots of fun activities to keep them busy. Most exciting of all was the permission they had to work wherever they wished, so they enjoyed taking off to cloakroom or working under tables! There have also been lots of helpful children who have joined in the annual tidy-up and clear out that is necessary at this time of year. 

On Wednesday the children were invited to a special assembly in the hall to watch examples of the animation work the older children in school have been creating in their ICT sessions this term. They all loved laughing along at the computer animations and are excited to get to have a go at this kind of thing next year!

Thursday morning saw us sitting in on a dress rehearsal of the Year 6’s leavers assembly which was great fun. Some even got to see their elder siblings in this, and they all found it hilarious and were inspired to join in with the songs!

We’d like to thank all the family that were able to make it to our Reception Summer Celebration on Thursday afternoon. It was such a pleasure to see the children having so much fun with you all and enjoying sharing their time in Cookridge with you all. We have truly appreciated all of your support this week and throughout the school year. Thank you also for all of the very kind, thoughtful and generous gifts we have all received this past week – it is all very much appreciated and will help us enjoy a well-earned break! 

Friday, as the last day in Reception was a bit of a party day. The children were glad to enjoy time with their friends: playing, dancing and playing games. 

It has been our pleasure and privilege to teach and to spend time with all of the Reception children this year. They have all made us so proud with how well they have got on board with the Cookridge school values this year. We’ve seen each and every one of them develop in their learning and grow in confidence throughout the year. They are a special bunch of children and we shall miss them very much, but wish them a wonderful summer break and all the very best for their time in Year 1. 

Have a brilliant summer!

The Reception Team. 


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