EYFS Newsletter – 23.09.2022

What a fun and full week we’ve had in Reception!

The children are really beginning to feel at home in their new school and we’re getting more confident in routines and behaviours around school. The children are learning to look after our environment and each other and showing more care and attention to each other.

We have started Phonics and Maths sessions this week with the children going into smaller groups to undertake some activities with the different adults in Reception. In Maths, have been looking closely at similarities and differences and being able to match, sort and talk about comparisons. In Phonics, we have concentrated on listening skills, with the children keeping an ear out for rhymes as well as learning how to use our class reading area with care.

On Tuesday the children got to enjoy dedicated sessions of Art (with Mrs Ledda); DT (with Mr Joy); Music (with Mrs Durrant) and P.E (with Mr Kerr). This was all very enjoyable and got everybody involved testing out skills in new ways.

Our topic of ‘All About Me’ has seen some fantastic work all around Reception in all sorts of different areas. Children have painted families and pets; counted members in different types of families; built houses and dens; and made some fabulous family dinners in the home corner. On Friday we spent some time in groups discussing different emotions and how we can recognise these feelings in ourselves and others. This hopefully will help make us more understanding and empathetic with each other as we go through the school day.

By Friday afternoon we were all feeling pretty tired, so hopefully everyone can have a restful weekend and we shall see everyone next week for more fun!

NEXT WEEK: Thursday 29th September is our Forest School day so can children please come appropriately dressed to spend the day outdoors.


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West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
