EYFS – Newsletter – 27.10.23

And with that, the children in reception have finished their first half term at school!

In Phonics we have been looking at the graphemes ‘m’, ‘d’ and ‘g’ and the sounds that they make. We have modelled the actions for each phoneme, looked at how to recognise the different letters and continued practising how to blend sounds together to read words. The children had a great time matching words with the correct pictures andcounting the sounds in words with musical instruments, as well as earning the chance to wear some fancy dress accessories by reading the word on the tag!

In Maths, we have spent time consolidating our previous learning around the numbers 1, 2 and 3. The children have explored different ways to construct (and deconstruct) these numbers and how to recognise and count these numbers in various ways.

During our topic time we have discussed three different events; Halloween, Bonfire Night and The Day of the Dead. We followed an art tutorial to draw a bat, practised our phonics to add the correct ingredients to some magic pumpkin potions, read and acted out the story ‘Funny Bones’ and made moving skeletons, firework pictures and colourful skull pictures! It certainly has been a busy week!

On Thursday we had forest schools and got very wet! We hope you liked the pictures from this posted yesterday all related to National Apple Day!

Have a lovely half term!

Dates for the dairy:

  • First day back after half term – Monday 6th November
  • Parent consultations – Tuesday 7th and Wednesday 8th November

Contact Us

Tinshill Drive
West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
