EYFS – Newsletter – 29.09.23

What a busy week we have had in reception!

In phonics this week we have introduced the first phonemes in Phase 2 (a phoneme is a sound made by a letter or group of letters). In this sequence, the first phonemes introduced are ‘s’ ‘a’ and ‘t’, so in focused sessions we have practised recognising this sound’s grapheme (what the sound looks like written) and saying it with an associated action to aid. We also explored how to hear these sounds at the beginning, middle and end of words and practise how to form and write these graphemes.

In maths we have been comparing things by number and by size. Everyone did a super job using words such as; more, fewer, taller, shorter. We compared numbers using tens frames on the carpet and used bigger and smaller to describe the difference between numicon pieces outside. In the reading area, the children listened to the book ‘A Squash and a Squeeze’, acted it out, and compared how full the house was at each point in the story. Outside the children also took up the challenge of building taller or shorter towers than the teachers model.

On Monday we followed a drawing tutorial, for a teddy bear, to practise our listening skills and how to follow instructions carefully. The children did a brilliant job and were all very proud of their pictures!

On Thursday we had forest schools and once again enjoyed investigating all of the different activities in the garden. We hope you liked the pictures from this posted yesterday!

Outside in the DT area, the children have started learning to use the different pieces of equipment safely, to construct their own models.

As part of our All About Me topic, we have enjoyed hearing more about children’s travels (thank you again to all those who have sent in pictures!). We also discussed our 5 senses and and practised using them! The children were challenged to identify three items by their smell, describe the difference between two musical sounds, identify an object only by touch, taste and then describe a food (this week olives) and also try and work out what an object is used for by only looking at it (a large coffee grinder)!

Reading has been a big theme this week with both a trip to the book fair and our weekly reading buddies session. The children from class 6 came to visit to join in reading and talking about this weeks books.

Have a lovely weekend!

Dates for the dairy:

  • Early Reading and Phonics Workshop – Wednesday 11th October – 5:00pm







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West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
