Key Stage 1 – Newsletter – 25.6.21

It’s been another great week in Key stage 1, with a strange ending.

Year 2 parents, please be aware that there are home learning packs in the office for you to collect on Monday. You will receive an e mail with details of zoom drop ins so that we can keep in touch with the children. If you have any problems or concerns, please contact us on the Key stage 1 e mail.

We started the week with a bang and a fantastic DT day. We learned about what catapults are and what they were used for. We then designed and made our catapults. In the afternoon, each class had a competition to see who’s catapult could fire the furthest. We earned points for our team point teams, by firing our catapults into different point zones.

In English we have been working on a variety of different skills. Class 1 have been working on different projects linked to our beach day. They created posters, wrote risk assessments and wrote a letter. Class 2 have been reading ‘Summertime’ stories. They used these as inspiration  to write their own stories. They were aiming to join two sentences together using the conjunction ‘and’. In year 2, the children have been writing sentences with different purposes. Understanding the difference between statements, commands, questions and exclamations.

In Maths Class 1 have been sharing things into equal groups in preparation for their multiplication and division work. Class 2 have been using their multiplication and division skills to solve reasoning problems. Year 2 have begun their work on fractions. They began to find fractions of numbers using bar models both inside and outside.

Science was great fun in year 2 when we did an experiment with toilet paper to find out which would be the most durable and be able to clean up a leak in the kitchen! We thought the fact we would need it to be really absorbent. We tested toilet rolls from four leading Supermarkets. We used pipets to drip water onto the paper and recorded how many drips each sheet could hold using tally charts and bar charts.

In Computing, we continued our carousel working on animations. We ordered pictures from stories, made flip books and created animations on 2Animate on PurpleMash.

As you will all be aware, it was supposed to be ‘Beach day’ on Monday. Unfortunately, due to the bubble burst, this will not be happening. Do not worry, we are working hard behind the scenes to try and reschedule for another day; Watch this space. However, we will still aim to do some fun activities with Year 1 on Monday to avoid disappointment.

Year 2, we miss you, but hope to see your smiley faces on zoom and can’t wait for your return to school.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!


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0113 386 2500