KS1 – Give It A Try Tuesday!
Happy ‘Give it a try Tuesday’ everybody!
We hope you are all well and staying safe.
We are missing you all lots so please keep sending your photos and videos into us at info@cookridge.leeds.sch.uk – we can’t wait to see how you tackle Tuesday’s challenges..
Challenge 1

Have a go at making the amounts in each tray. You can use real money, play money, or even make your own money! You could also change the amounts in the tray to suit you.
Challenge 2
Space – Writing Challenge
Challenge 3
Can you make your own sock puppet? Follow the guide from Mrs Williams and make your own story using your puppet!
Please don’t forget to login to the following sites where fantastic daily lessons are being uploaded that will really help your child.
There are also tasks on Purple Mash, Spelling Shed, Numbots and Phonics Play for your child to complete.
REMEMBER: We are uploading lots of different challenges and work, but do what works for you, your child and your family. We understand that things are little different right now.
Here are some of the INCREDIBLE things that KS1 have been getting up to..
Nikan explains day and night – Fantastic! https://youtu.be/H80FI8eyS5M
Mimi does some amazing maths work – Super!

Mimi completes her own Science experiment – Well done!
Nathan does an Ice science experiment and writes up his results – Amazing!
Nathan doing his spellings – great work!

Want to hear one of our stories again?
Here is Miss Devine reading ‘Aliens Love Underpants’ – https://youtu.be/rgJ9ELhLnNI
Here is our Youtube channel with all the stories – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRnxn8OBrUIhYBSaZlQwxSg