KS1 Home learning and science
Good morning KS1! We hope you are all safe and well. We have some amazing home learning this week to show you. Nur carried out an amazing skittle rainbow science experiment and Layla showed us all about different animals life cycles. Duha completed lots of work all about animals, including some finger print animals, and rhyming words and Finn has done a huge amount of exciting activities. After our request, Jacob has taught us all about a new language, Melay, he has been learning from his Grandad. He has also done some super book reviews.

Lily has written a super story for you all as well! Please read it and hopefully you can be inspired to write your own. Make sure you send it in for us to read.
Lily’s story
Science update…train like an astronaut Challenge 2…. Cosmic Cartwheels. Make sure you send any pictures or videos of you training like an astronaut.
Please keep all of your videos with your friendly messages coming in everybody.
Stay safe.
KS1 Team x