KS1- Monday hello from all the staff
Good morning KS1
Hope you all had a good weekend, Enjoy these messages from the KS1 staff.
Please send in your own messages and we can share them. Please remember to check our posts everyday for more news.

How about going on a rainbow hunt or doing a rainbow experiment?
Arrange the Skittles in a single row coloured pattern around the edge of the plate. Pour over enough warm water to cover all the Skittles and the plate itself. Watch and wait as a rainbow appears on the plate, the colours will move towards the middle and create a whirl of colour.

Congratulations to Chloe in Class 2 for gaining a LEXIA certificate this week

Oh no all mixed up!
Well done to Catherine too for helping sort out the rhyming words.

Well done Catherine

Super rhyming Catherine to the rescue
Have a great week from all of us