KS1 – Newsletter – 11/10/19

Move over Cookridge, this week we have been at Dragon school in key stage 1!

We have had great fun pretending to be dragons after reading ‘Zog’. Year 2 designed wings, made dragon puppets and diaramas creating the setting for a story. They then used this inspiration to write their own dragon tales. Year 1 made models of dragons and were learning how to fly! Then in Forest schools, they practised making fire.

In Maths Year one have begun to compare numbers using the < > = signs and have been finding one more and one less than a number. Year two have been ordering numbers, looking at the tens number first. There was some practical Maths, throwing javelins, measuring and comparing the distances.

In DT Key stage 1 were trying a variety of dips. They were tasting and comparing the flavours of different dips and discussing which ones they liked etc.. They then designed their own dips, thinking about which ones are healthy and which ones are not.

Class One and Two celebrated World Mental health day at Forest schools.  They found objects that represented them and we discussed what makes us happy.    Lots of the children said that being outside makes them happy

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