KS1 – Newsletter – 11.11.22

It was fantastic to be able to welcome so many of you into school this week to share your children’s successes. Thank you to all those who made it in and those we were able to talk to on the phone. We really appreciate your support and working together to help your children achieve their potential.

This week in Key Stage One, we have continued to link History with English. Year two have continued with their work on The Gunpowder plot. They have been planning and have begun to write a recount of what happened from Guy Fawkes perspective.  Year One have been learning about onomatopoeia. They have been reading poems about Fireworks and have written their own Firework poem. They also used pictures to write sentences linking them to onomatopoeia words. For example, the apple makes a crunching sound.

We have all been learning about Remembrance day. We have thought about people who died in the war and the fact that we wear poppies to remember them because they grew in the fields after the war. We made our own poppies to wear and to display.

In Maths, Year one have begun looking at simple addition and numberbonds to 10. They have been focusing on how two parts can make a whole. Year two have been doing some investigations around Number bonds to 20. They are learning quick recall of Numberbonds to 10 and using this knowledge to help them learn the Numberbonds to 20.

In computing, we were learning how to use technology for different purposes. We used the Simple story app on Purple mash to type sentences and draw pictures to tell the story of the Gunpowder plot.. We were able to add extra pages and then learned how to save it into a file.

Our Science lessons have continued to learn about the human body. This week’s focus was on our five senses. We were thinking about what the five senses are and which part of our body uses that sense. We then thought about how each of the senses is used in a different way and how they can keep us safe.

We had Atlases out for the first time this year. We looked at how to use the index to find the name of a country and what page we could look on to find it. We noticed there were lots of different kinds of maps. Ones that show the whole world, a whole continent, or specific countries.

Some of the children had their trip to the cinema this week and really enjoyed going on the bus with their friends as well as watching the film! The rest of the children will have their cinema trip next week.

Things to bring in:

  • We would love everyone to bring in a picture of themselves at a celebration. This could be a birthday, wedding, Eid, Christmas, Halloween, Easter, Diwali, Hannukah etc… We are going to use them as part of our English lessons.
  • Clean recycling. Some of the children will be doing a workshop next week making instruments and the boxes, pots etc… will be used for that.

Key Dates:

Next week is week 1.

PE kits needed for all classes on Monday.



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West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
