KS1 – Newsletter – 11.12.20

It’s been a whole lot of fun in Key Stage 1 this week.

To begin with, we have been recording a version of the nativity. We were really sad that we would not be able to invite you all in to the hall to watch the show this year, but we didn’t want you or the children to miss out. Therefore, we have recorded a covid safe (Fewer children singing together or recording outdoors) so that we still had a Nativity this year. As we’re sure you’ll appreciate, we have not had a lot of time to practise or put it together, but we’re sure you’ll love seeing their faces and appreciate the hard work they put into it. A big shout out to Miss Devine who filmed it all for us and put it all together and to Mrs Hallatt for sorting the costumes.Thank you, you are amazing! It will be live on the website next week.

There has also been fun all about as the cheeky elves have been getting up to allsorts of mischief. Year 1’s English this week has been focusing around the elves. They have done some reading comprehensions, labelling the elf and retelling the story of how Chippy the elf arrived at Taylor’s house and ended up at the elf hospital! After reading Stickman and creating their own characters, year 2 have been planning, writing and editing stories about where their character went and what adventures they had.

In Maths, Year 1 have been focusing on Number bonds and are getting really good at finding the pairs that go together to make 10. Why not test them at home and see how much they can impress you! Year 2 have been using base 10 to begin adding two two-digit numbers together. Then, they have been recording this in their books in pictoral and number sentence form.

In history, we have been thinking about toys from the past and toys that the children may be hoping to get for Christmas or have at home. We sorted them into groups and discussed what materials they are made from. We also learned about how older toys were often handmade and newer toys are made on machines and also that older toys moved using wind up mechanisms and new toys often use batteries.


In ICT we have continued to write algorithms. We were looking at how to make a stack on cubes.  We had to start with the correct colour and think about what exact instructions we needed to give to be able to make a full stack in the correct order.

In Science, Year 1 had great fun doing experiments with chocolate bars! We wanted to find out which chocolate bars would float and which would sink. We made sure that we had a fair test by using the same bowl and amount of water. We each made a prediction about whether it would float and sink and then recorded the results.

Thank you to everyone who has sent in the home learning packs this week. If anyone still has theirs at home, please return it asap. Whilst we really hope that we will not need them again, we want to have them ready for your children just incase.

Next week is PPA day on Tuesday, so please remember to send your child in their PE kit. Thank you. Have a great weekend.


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