KS1 – Newsletter – 13.10.23

It is mental health week this week and we have had lots of opportunities to share about our feelings and what makes us feel better. Forest school was a great opportunity for the children to experience some mindfulness and have head space on the hammocks. In our PSHE lessons Year One have been looking at their families and comparing it to other families. What they look like, who is in their families and how they spend time together. In Year Two, the children have been focusing on Change. What changes might happen in our lives and how changes make us feel. We also linked this with our computing this week thinking about E-Safety. We discussed what to do if the children were on line and had a funny feeling in their tummy about something. We focused on who they should go and speak to and why.

We have begun looking at a new book in English this week called ‘Everything castles’. Year one have used this to find out about parts of castles, build them and label the parts. They have also designed their own castles, writing sentences about who lives in their castle and what it looks like. They have been focusing on the split digraph a-e sound in phonics. Year two have been learning what a historical narrative is and having an initial go, still with a focus ono their handwriting. In phonics, their focus has been on silent ‘k’ and the beginning of a word.

In Maths, Year One have been learning their Numberbonds to ten (and twenty). They have used a variety of mathematical resources such as Numicon to create bar models and Part, Part whole models to show and record all the ways to make ten. One group in Year two have been doing addition using practical methods and tens and ones charts. The other group have been doing greater than and less than using the signs < > =.

Music has taken on a harvest theme with Year two learning the song ‘Oats and beans and barley grow’. They learnt how to sing the song and then they learnt a dance to go with it! Year One were listening to various musical extracts and learning about the tempo and dynamics within the songs.

In Art, the children have been using collage materials to create houses. They have used a variety of wall papers and print materials to create their effects.

In Design technology, the children have continued to design their castles and this week they have been cutting out battlements from thick card. In food technology, the children were making pasta salad. They practised the claw and bridge grip for cutting and used the grater for cheese and scissors for snipping parsley.

Year One have continued to learn about creation in RE this week. They have been recapping the Christian and Muslim stories of what happened in creation and noticing the similarities and differences. In Year Two, the children have continued to look at the basic of the Christian faith, recognising who Christians believe Jesus is, where in the Bible his stories are found and looking at representations of what people think he may have looked like.

Our investigation in Science this week was all about surfaces. We wanted to find out which surfaces a car would travel the furthest on a why. We tested this out on the carpet, tarmac, sand and grass. We noticed that the car travelled the furthest on the carpet because it was flat and smoother than the other surfaces.

We had a great end to the week with our alternative PE sessions. The children had the opportunity to play table tennis, do yoga and play active party games and team games.

Next week is week 2:


Monday – Class 1 and 2

Thursday – Class 1 and 3

Friday – Class 2 and 3

Forest school – Tuesday for all of Key Stage One

Diary Dates:

Parent’s consultations: 7th and 8th November

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