KS1 – Newsletter – 13.3.20

Thank you to everyone who came in for parents evening this week. It was great to meet with you all to talk about the progress of your children.

In English Year 2 have been reading ‘The Three Little Pirates’.  They have used this as inspiration to write their own versions of the story, focusing on writing in the past tense. Year 1 have continued with ‘The Singing Mermaid’ and have begun to write rhyming poems. They then used the computers to type up what they had written.

In Maths year 1 have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes. They are learning to identify them, name them and describe their properties.

We have been linking history in with ICT this week. We have been finding out who Blackbeard was and what he did. Year 2 have then been learning how to type up some of these facts using Word, finding out how to change the size and font and then saving it onto the system.

In RE, Year 1 have been learning about belonging. This week they have learned about why Christians go to church, what they do there and how this helps them to belong to that community. Year 2 have been learning about how Muslims pray. They have been learning about the purification ritual called Wudu and when and how they pray.

In PHSE, Year 1 have been thinking about how they can be responsible. They have been talking about who does a whole variety of jobs at home and which jobs they could get involved in to help out.

We have had an assembly about how to keep ourselves and others safe by using basic hygiene. We have all been practising washing our hands effectively and we will be encouraging the children to do this throughout the day.

We have had a fantastic end to the week, when some students from Leeds Trinity came into school to work in each of the classes for our Science morning. They brought in various fun activities around our materials topic linking in with pirates for us to get involved in and we all had a great time. Class 4 loved seeing how oil, water and syrup layer up in a cup and different objects float on different substances. We even made our own lava lamps!


Dates for your diary:

26th March – Pirate dress up day (Optional)

3rd April- Break up

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