KS1 – Newsletter – 15.05.23

Mrs Koopman and Miss Robinson’s birthday week! Happy Birthday to two very special members of our KS1 team!

This week Year One have enjoyed Jack and the Beanstalk themed activities. We have done some role play, planted beans, script work and crafting. Next week we will be creating our own twist on the story. We also enjoyed time in forest schools where we read Jack and the Beanstalk and the children made birthday cakes out of sand for Mrs Koopman and Miss Robinson. Phonics has been a huge focus and the new games were a great success. Please encourage your children to look for phonemes when reading their books at home.

In Maths and English year 2 have been working hard and consolidating their knowledge.

In computing Year 1 and 2 have really developed this week as they are progressing in their coding skills, they can go on Purple Mash at home. So please ask your children to show you their coding skills. Year 2 also got the chance to use Now Press Play. 

Science has continued to link to plants with the link to Jack and the beanstalk. Year 2 became biologists and dissected flowers. They used magnifying glasses to look at the tiny details and all the different parts that make up the flower.

Eid Celebrations:

We had such a fun time celebrating Eid! We helped to make alootikki, we ate traditional food, listened to traditional music and even learnt a traditional dance.

Saturday 10th June- Mrs Koopman’s daughter is holding a fundraising event. Her daughter Ruby was selected to go to South Korea this summer for 3 weeks for a World Scout Jamboree.

She has had to raise £4000 to cover costs, part of this goes to Scouts from countries less fortunate than the UK.

So far, she has sold tea/coffee at her football club, carol singing, craft stalls and have done several events. But still needs £800 to achieve her target. 

There will be a range of stalls and activities for children, so please come along if you can.

Cookridge Village Scout Hut- 10th June- 2pm-4pm

See poster attached. World Scout Jamboree Event poster RK (2)

Next week is week 1

May – SAT’s. Although the children have to complete these tests, we want them to be as relaxed as possible.

24th May – 2.45pm – Year 1 Phonics screening meeting for parents

10th June- Mrs Koopman’s fundraiser-2-4pm

15th June – Trip to Bridlington

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Tinshill Drive
West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
