KS1 – Newsletter – 15.3.24

It’s been another great week in Key Stage One, with lots of fantastic work and great displays of friendship too.

We have focused on the African tale of ‘The Cheetah’s whisker’ in English. Year One began by looking at the front cover and working with a partner to predict what might happen in the story. They have then used the book for some reading comprehension and began to think about ideas of how to write a similar story, changing the animal and body part to create their own story. In phonics they have focused on the sound /ie/ saying /ee/ as in shield. Year Two have continued to practise using expanded noun phrases and have been doing some shared writes and planning, in preparation for writing their African tale next week. In phonics, they have focused on /ey/ saying /ee/ as in monkey.

It has been all about length for Year One in Maths this week. They have been looking at non-standard and standard measurements. They have used cubes to measure a variety of resources, ensuring that they measure the full length without any gaps. They then moved on to using rulers, ensuring they measured from the 0, and not the end of ruler. In Year two, one group have begun multiplication, by doing repeated adding and counting groups. The other group have begun division, by sharing into groups.

We have had the Beebots out in computing this week, working on a map of Africa. The children had to make sure that they inputted the instructions correctly to make the Beebot move around the map. They began to master the ability to get the Beebot to move from one country to another.

The children have enjoyed making an African salad in Food technology this week. They used mango and cucumber as the base for their salad and practised a variety of holds and cutting techniques. In design technology, the children have continued to add layers to their paper mache African masks. We can’t wait to see the finished results!

We have all been categorising animals in Science this week. This time, we have been focusing on whether the animal is an omnivore, herbivore or carnivore and what that means. We then used venn diagrams to record which categories each animal falls into.

In Art, the children have been looking at African material designs. They have then created their own material designs looking at a variety of patterns and colours.

In RE, both year groups have begun to look at the Easter story. They have looked at the events from Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday and have been drawing illustrations and writing about the events.

Year One have been looking at money in their PSHE lessons. Having looked at the value of money and what it could be spent on, they were thinking about whether they would rather spend or save their money and why and also where they could put it to keep it safe. Year Two, continued to focus on how different scenarios can make them feel and the whole area of consent. They thought about how to ask for consent if they wanted to hug someone etc.. but also how to say no if they were not comfortable with something.

Next week is week 2:


Monday – Class 1 and 2

Thursday – Class 1 and 3

Friday – Class 2 and 3

Forest school – Tuesday for all of Key Stage One

Diary Dates:

Friday 22nd March – African workshop (children only)

Monday 25th March – 2.30pm Parent’s celebration

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LS16 7DH

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