KS1 – Newsletter – 16.9.22

We have continued to have discussions and another assembly for the children, to help them process the news about the Queen’s death. You will be aware that Monday has been declared a Bank Holiday and therefore school will be closed. We look forward to seeing the children from Tuesday next week.

In Key Stage one this week we have continued to look at the ‘Colour Monster’ book. We have been making blow painting monsters and thinking about how they are feeling, depending on their colour. We also wrote about colour monsters and in year two extended their sentences to think about why the monsters were feeling the way they were. We are also starting the year by practising our handwriting, ensuring that the children’s letters are formed correctly, starting and ending in the correct place and sitting correctly on the line.

In Maths, Year one have been exploring lots of different ways to represent number. They have been making 8 (for example) using Numicon, bricks, counters, fingers, tally’s, words and numerals. They have also been practising careful 1-1 counting. Please support your child with this at home, ensuring they only say a number when they point to an object. Year two have been looking at place value and where numbers appear on a hundred grid, looking at the patterns.

We enjoyed experimenting in Science, as we asked questions about floating and sinking. We used chocolate bars to see which would float and which would sink. They were amazed that they all floated and one suggestion was that maybe it was the chocolate that made them float! We discussed the fact that it is about the density of an object and how tightly packed together the molecules are. Some children wanted to test other objects, so why not have a go together at home!

It was PPA this week and we have begun our new carousel. In RE, the children were discussing what RE is, what we learn in those lessons and why. They thought about what they already knew about Christianity and Islam and looked at some key beliefs and practises in those faiths.

The children were able to explore the art studio with Mrs Ledda and the groups were all split into two to do some DT skills with Mr Joy in the polytunnel and to do some food tasting with Mrs Williams in the kitchen.

We began computing this week and as always we will start the year looking at e safety. We watched a video about how it’s important to talk to a grown up if something on line doesn’t feel right and highlighted the fact we should never share personal information on line. We then used the ‘Now Press Play’ headphones, to explore this more.

In PE, we learned about warming up before doing exercise. We then practised moving about the space without touching any one else and finding a space of your own. It was fun playing a variety of games that got our heart rates pumping!

Reminder: If you have a photograph of your child (preferably 6 X4) doing something that they are really good at, please send them into school. We want to have them black and white and put in frames on a board in the classroom to celebrate who they are.

Key Dates:


Next week is week 2.

PE Kits needed for class 1 and 2 on Friday and class 3 on Thursday.


26.9.22 – KS1 Phonics/ Reading workshop 2pm



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West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
