KS1 Newsletter – 2.10.20

It’s Friday….and the end of another busy week in Key Stage 1.

In English this week, Year 1 have continued to read stories from the Funny Bones series. They have been using sentences starters to complete sentences and focus on the graphemes they need to use for each word. In Year 2 we have been learning how to complete a RIC challenge. RIC stands for Retrieve, Interpret and Choice. The children have been reading fact files about how to care for the animals we have in school and answering questions about it.

In Maths Year 1 have been developing their counting skills using number lines. They have been finding missing numbers and thinking about which number comes after and which number comes before a given number. Year 2 have been practising their place value knowledge. They have been using base ten, number counters and money to represent two digit numbers and have been able to explain how many tens and ones in a given number.

We always enjoy PPA days in Key Stage 1 and this week was no exception. In music, the children were learning a song called ‘Tinga Layo’. Mrs Durrant was teaching them all about long and short notes and the children had great fun learning the actions. In art, the children were learning how to trace a picture. Once they had traced the picture, they used felt tips to colour them in a symmetrical pattern to make stained glass window pictures.

In RE, Year 2 were learning about the five pillars of Islam. It was brilliant to have children from the muslim faith helping us to learn about important aspects from their faith. In Year 1, they were doing some drama based around a story from the Bible, teaching them about being kind and helping people.

During our Science lessons, we were exploring the outdoors, finding things that are living and not living. We have been learning how to categorise these things and decide whether they are living, dead but have lived, or things that have never been alive. We were remembering to use our acronym MRSNERG to decide whether or not it was living eg. Can in reproduce, does it eat etc..

Next week PE will be on Thursday for Year 2 and Friday for Year 1. Please send the children to school in their PE kit on the appropriate day.

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