KS1 – Newsletter – 2.12.22

Wow, just like that it’s Advent! Which also heralds the arrival of the elves to Key Stage One. We have had great fun already introducing the elves and their cheeky ways.

The elves boxes all arrived on Wednesday and gave us a chance to wonder what could be in the boxes. We enjoyed practising asking questions about it and then writing about what might be inside. With great excitement, we opened them on the 1st December, giving them each a name and watching ‘The Elf story’. We then practised writing descriptions of the elf.

In Year One’s RE this week they focused on Advent. We looked at how it is celebrated in homes with calendars, elves and putting up decorations. We then learned about how Christians celebrate with Advent wreaths in churches and Christingle services. We thought about some of the symbolism in both of these items. In Year two, they continued to look at how people welcome babies. This time the focus was on the Aqiqah in the Muslim faith. The children learned about why and when it happens and why babies heads are shaved and about giving money to the poor.

In Maths, Year One have been looking at some addition and some subtraction. They have used objects to help them add and subtract, as well as using numberlines. In year two, they have also been looking at addition. They have been adding two digit numbers together, drawing out the two digits in a tens and ones column. They have also begun to add two two digit numbers within word problems.

In Music, Year one were making up some simple patterns for fast and slow. They created their own symbols to represent fast and slow and then played these on their percussion instruments. In Year two, they continued to learn about the Nutcracker and playing along with parts of the story.

In DT, again the children were divided in half. Half of the children made and bakes banana and date muffins. The other half were making the candles that they have been designing.

The children have finished making their divas in Art and hopefully you will have seen them as the children brought them home. They also began to create their own Christmas cards decorated with jewels.

Thank you to everyone that came along to join us at the Christmas fayre this afternoon. It made it a fantastic event which was a great start to all the Christmas celebrations.

Key Dates:

Next week is week 2.

Forest schools on Monday – Please wear appropriate warm clothing

PE Kits needed for class 1 on Thursday and Classes 2 + 3 on Friday

Christmas jumpers can be worn over school uniforms from this week.

8th December 2.15 pm – Christmas play – More details to follow


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Tinshill Drive
West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
