KS1 – Newsletter

We are Super proud of Key Stage one and how well they have all settled back in to school.

It was our first PPA day on Tuesday and the children had lots of fun. They had an amazing time practising rhythms in Music, drawing Picasso pictures in Art and practising their gymnastic skills in PE. Thank you for sending the children in their PE kit to ensure the day ran smoothly.

In English, Year 1 have been using ‘The Colour Monster’ as their stimulus. They have been thinking about what makes them happy and how they can help others to be happy. Year 2 have been reading ‘Don’t think about purple elephants’ which helps children to find ways to stop them from worrying. They have been designing their own worry animals, creating story boards and thinking about what crazy things their animals might do to make them laugh.

In Maths, Year 1 have been focusing on counting to 100, using lots of oracy and practical methods. Year 2 have been learning how to layout and answer fluency questions, focusing on numberbonds and number sequences. They have been practising finding and reading numbers on a hundred square.

In Science we have begun thinking about scientists. What they look like, who can be a scientist, what they do etc… In RE Year 1 have begun their topic on special books, thinking about what books are special to them and learning about the Bible and Qu’ran. Year 2 have begun their topic on rules in stories, linking with class rules and why they have them and hearing about the ten commandments.

We have all completed the first MindMate session of the year, thinking about what we are good at and verbalising what our friends are good at. We wrote certificates to ourselves and to a friend, in recognition of those talents and qualities.

Have a fantastic weekend and we look forward to seeing you all next week!


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Tinshill Drive
West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
