KS1 – Newsletter – 22.12.23

It has been nothing but fun in Key Stage One this week, but we’ve still been making the children work! We enjoyed welcoming in Grandparents and members of Cookridge Court for our final performance of ‘The Bethlehem Bake Off’ on Monday. It was lovely for the children to perform again for the last time and to share their books with the people who came to watch.

Year One have combined their English skills with RE as they retold the Christmas story with puppets, in picture form and then wrote the story in their own words, checking it makes sense. They have been focusing on the /ue/ sound saying /oo/ and /yoo/ as in clue and fuel. Year Two have been practising their common exception words and drawing a Christmas story board. They also wrote a letter to Santa, ensuring they had the correct components of a letter.

Year One have been doing lots of consolidation activities and Christmas Maths this week. We have been so impressed with their counting abilities, knowledge of numberbonds and comparisons of number. Year Two have been working on 3D shapes. They have identified them and have been able to talk about their properties.

Forest schools was a bit chilly, but lots of fun. First, we enjoyed a Santa story together around the fire pit. We moved around in different groups to be able to visit the animals and to have some time to enjoy the climbing area. We also created some natural Christmas decorations and toasted some marshmallows on the fire.

Each class has finished off a rotation of topic activities. In computing the children have been learning about how digital technology is used in different jobs; for example, teachers use laptops, nurses use blood pressure monitors and the police use radios.

We of course have had fun making some Christmas crafts, Christmas cards and doing other Christmassy activities. We all had a fabulous time at our Christmas party, dancing and playing games and generally getting hot and excited! Now, it’s time to hand them over to you for the really fun bit. Happy Christmas everyone, from all the Key Stage One team. We hope that you all have a brilliant beak and some lovely family time.

The first week back is week 1:

PE: Friday – for all of Key Stage One

PPA day. Forest school – Tuesday for all of Key Stage One

Diary Dates:

Monday 8th January – Return to school

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