KS1 – Newsletter – 23.04.21

Welcome Back!

We hope everyone has had a lovely first week back after the Easter holidays and made the most of this beautiful weather. 

The children have all been very busy this week and settled back into their school routine. 

Our topic this half term is Gardeners World.

In English Class 1 have been looking at the story ‘The Enchanted Wood’. They have thoroughly enjoyed reading the start of the start and created their own fairy houses. I wonder if anyone will come and visit the children? Classes 2, 3 and 4 have been reading the story Jack and the Beanstalk. Class 2 have re-told the story, producing some amazing pieces of writing, whilst Classes 3 and 4 have been learning about simple and compound sentences and using these to create their own sentences about the story. 

In Maths Class 1 have been focusing measurement, Class 2 have been learning about subtraction and Year 2 have been learning about addition and division. They have all been busy learning new skills and putting them into different contexts. 

Our Geography this week has been re-visiting our knowledge of the British Isles – naming the different countries, capital cities and surrounding seas. The children have had to use atlases to locate these different places and then program a bee-bot to different place names.

In Science the children have been planting seeds and over the next couple of weeks looking at how tall these grow. 

Upcoming trip – Golden Acre Park

As part of our on-going topic work in Geography and Science based on local fieldwork and plants, the children in Years 1 and 2 will be spending time at Golden Acre Park in the coming weeks.  

Please see below the dates that pupils are going: 

Class 1 –Monday 10th May-am    Class 2- Monday 10th May-pm                

Class 3 –Tuesday 11th May-am   Class 4- Tuesday 11th May-pm 

The children will enjoy a walk round Golden Acre, learn about the local area discussing human and physical features. This will include studying and identifying different types of trees and wildlife.   They will also enjoy Forest School games to build up resilience and problem solving. 

Due to the nature of these activities, children can come to school in their own clothing on the day. The children will be outside so they must be in comfortable, warm and waterproof clothing (if raining). The clothing may get dirty so please do not send children in precious/new clothing. Wellies, walking boots or a sturdy pair of trainers are also recommended. Children will be in school for lunchtime, so no pack up required. 

We will be travelling the in school mini bus so there will be no cost for this trip. 


Have a lovely weekend!

Key Stage 1 Team 

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Tinshill Drive
West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
