KS1 – Newsletter – 23.2.24

We hope that you all enjoyed half term, it was lovely to see the children back and refreshed!

In English we began to read ‘Meerkat mail’, looking at the features of a postcard. In Year One, the children began to describe a beach setting using adjectives and then included these in our own postcard. They were also looking at suffix endings including -ed and -ing. They have focused on two phonic sounds /c/ saying /s/ as in city and /g/ saying /j/ as in giant. Year two have been focusing on contractions and looking at why there is an apostrophe. They have also been looking at homophones and how to spell them. Their phonic sounds was /al/ saying /or/ as in walk.

Year One have been looking at related facts (fact families) in Maths. They have been looking at how they can write four number sentences using the same three numbers eg 13+2= 15, 2 + 13 = 15, 15 – 2 = 13 and 15 – 13 = 2. They have also begun looking at missing number problems. One group in year two have started to do multiplication using repeated addition and arrays. The other group have begun looking at money. They were identifying coins and notes and recognising the value of them.

As we are continuing out topic on Africa, the children have been looking at Nairobi in Geography. They have been comparing Nairobi with Leeds, looking at features such as buildings, the weather and what animals live there.

We were looking at facts and fiction in history this week. The children read lots of sentences about Nelson Mandela and had to sort them into categories of fact – he was the president and fiction.

It was all about animals in Science. We have been to learn about the different categories that animals can be put into. For example mammals, fish, birds, reptiles, amphibians and insects. We looked at key features that put them into those categories and had a go at sorting them.

In Forest School, the children were whittling sticks to make hearts for Mother’s day. They also had great fun with the goats, playing and having their photos taken together.

We have all been learning about Lent in RE. We looked at when it starts, how long it lasts and when it ends. We learned about how Christians might choose to give something up during this time, especially things like cake or chocolate. We learned how Christians spend this time reading their Bible more, praying and getting ready for Easter. We thought about how some of the rituals were similar to those followed by Muslims during Ramadan.

Our PSHE lessons this week were Mindmate. We were looking at strong emotions and what things can make us feel really angry, sad or happy. Year One then looked at ‘Have you filled your bucket today?’ Then then thought of ways to fill each others buckets to make them feel happy. Year two read the story of ‘Beegu’ and discussed the different characters, thought how they would feel and how the characters could have responded better.

It was lovely to see some of the children in Class One coming to school in their Rainbows uniform for thinking day on Thursday. Well done girls!

Next week is week 1:

PE: Friday – for all of Key Stage One

PPA day. Forest school – Tuesday for all of Key Stage One

Diary Dates:

Monday 4th March – Parent’s evening

Tuesday 5th March – Parent’s evening

Friday 22nd March – African workshop (children only)

Monday 25th March – 2.30pm Parent’s celebration


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