KS1 – Newsletter – 30.6.23

The children have been fabulous all week, working hard and showing off all their amazing skills they have been developing this year.

In English, Year One have continued reading ‘Dear Greenpeace’. After finishing their fact file, they all wrote their own letter to Greenpeace, telling them about a different sea creature that they had found in their pond and asking questions about it. They also completed a reading comprehension from the book. Year two have begun to read ‘The lighthouse keepers lunch’. They have used this to answer retrieval questions and to discuss vocabulary used. They have also had a specific focus on handwriting.

It has been all about money in Year One’s maths this week. They have been identifying different coins and notes and have been looking at their values. They had fun spending money at the shop, thinking about which coins they could use to make the different values. One Year two group has also had a focus on money and using different coins to make the same amount. The other group has been working on statistics. They have been making and using block graphs and pictograms.

Year One have been continuing to look at how we should treat people in RE. They have read stories from the Islamic faith and reflected upon their views. In Year two, the children have continued to focus on how Christians pray and read story of Daniel in the lion’s den from the Bible and thought about why Daniel continued to pray even when it would get him into trouble.

Working with our Seaside theme in Art the children have been doing observational drawings in their sketch books of shells. They have been looking at the smooth interior and the rough textures on the outside and trying to capture that in their drawings.

In Food technology, the children have all been making soup. They have been practising using the claw and bench grip to cut up the vegetables. They then had the opportunity to try the soup once it was cooked. It wood work technology, the bug hotels are now complete. The children have been finding a variety of natural materials to put into it for the bugs.

In Music, year one have continued to look at the works of the carnival of the animals. This week, they have been focusing on cuckoo, The persons with the long ears and The Pianist. Year two have been looking at musical kebabs! They have been learning about musical form – how music is organised. They then created pieces that using loud – quiet – loud, fast – fast – slow, low – high – high.

For Science this week, we observed some beans that we have put in different conditions around the classroom. We then looked at the life cycle of a bean. We looked at terms like germination and wrote about what happened to the bean from being planted, to the different stages of growth, seed dispersion and to the plant dying in the end.

We had fun creating some characters out of plasticine in preparation for our computing next week. We used the Gingerbread man as an inspiration for our characters and we will be using them to make some stop motion animations next week.

Key Dates:

Next week is week 2.


PE Kits needed for Class 1 Monday and Thursday

                               Class 2 Monday and Friday

                               Class 3 Thursday and Friday

Forest schools for everyone on Tuesday




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