KS1 – Newsletter – 5.7.19

What a lovely week we have had in KS1. In English to fit with our ‘Seaside topic’ we have been preparing for our Bridlington trip on Monday by completing risk assessments, creating brochures and writing instructions about how to make sandcastles. In maths we have been bringing together all the skills we have learnt this year and started to investigate different ways to solve problems. In History we have been comparing the differences and similarities between a seaside in the past and the present. 

Reminder that it is the summer fair on Saturday and KS1 have made some lovely bird feeders priced at £1. 

The Bridlington trip is on Monday, please make sure you send your child in non-uniform, with spare clothes, extra water, sun cream, sun hat and a packed lunch (unless you have sent a slip to school asking us to provide a packed lunch). 

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Tinshill Drive
West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
