LKS2 – Newsletter – 10.02.2023

What a fantastic end to the half term!

Year 3 and 4 have been working incredibly hard this week to write a historical narrative on the assassination of Julius Caesar. They have included some interesting conversations in their work and we have enjoyed reading all the wonderful pieces of work. 

In Mrs Jackson’s maths group, the children have continued to work on their formal division of 2-digit numbers. The class worked in groups to answer reasoning questions and gain a deeper understanding of the bus stop method. Children then went on to play a division board game in pairs.

In Miss Bourne’s maths group, we have learned strategies to help us divide a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number. We used the strategies from the week to help us with our formal written layout, the bus stop method. We used the partitioning method of dividing to alongside the formal written method so that we could see what is happening in each step of the bus stop method.









In French this week we practised the /ch/ sound, relating it to the English sound /sh/. Working in partners, we read out a set of words, English and French, and our partner had to identify whether or not it contained the /ch/ sound, and where in the word it came. Then we applied our understanding of this sound to our learning about directions. We played a game of ‘chaud ou froid’ with our partners, directing them around the room to find a particular item.








In Miss Evans’ maths group, we have spent the week applying our division and multiplication knowledge to difficult problem solving questions. We worked in groups, breaking questions down into steps and figuring out what calculation to do at each step. It took a lot of resilience, and we had to use all our strategies like number lines and bar models to help us!








This week in English, Year 4 started to look at a new skill – predict. To do this, we were given a picture of the front page of our new book, with no other information. We discussed the definition of the word predict, and decided it was “an accurate guess about something that is going to happen in the future.” We used some of our inference skills to find clues in our picture, and predicted what our new text is about. We can’t wait to find out after half term!









Well done to LKS2 for all your hard work this half term. We are all incredibly proud of you and you have definitely earned a rest! 

We hope you all have a lovely, restful half term break. We look forward to seeing you afterwards!


The LKS2 team 

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