LKS2 – Newsletter – 17.05.2024
This week has been a fantastic week in LKS2.
Today in Maths we practiced adding and subtracting with capacity and volume. We used practical stories about Miss Nodding having 1 litre of coffee and Miss Wilson-Hill giving her different amounts of coffee – to begin adding amounts using both litres and millilitres. We then were given a litre of water and as a group we had to transport it along a line, between each group member. First, we did this by carefully carrying the litre and then by hopping with the litre! We used our subtraction and measurement skills to work out how many millilitres we had remaining and then used this information to work out how much water we had each lost.

Year 4 have been looking at time. Last week, we recapped reading time to the nearest 5 minutes and the nearest minute. First we had to make our clocks by adding on the different parts of a clock such as the minute hand and hour hand. Then, one person chose a card which had a time written on it, then had to make the time with their own clock. Over the week, we then looked at writing analogue and digital time.
This week in cricket, we have been looking at our fielding skills. We used our tracking skills to catch and block the ball from going over the boundaries. We also had a think about how we can use our fielding to help stop the batter from scoring.
In alternative PE, we have had a fantastic time playing golf where we made our own gold courses, handball and doing some cheerleading where we made our own routines and cross country. We have loved the activity choices and look forward to continue next half term!
Keep up the good work!