LKS2 – Newsletter – 27.01.23

We’ve had a productive, fun week in LKS2! 

First of all, we would just like to thank everyone who attended our spelling workshop yesterday. The children love showing you what they get up to in school, and we hope this was informative for you. Thank you for your continued support with the children’s learning. 

This week in Maths, we have all been looking at multiplication and division. Miss Evans’ maths group have been dividing with remainders this week. In our first lesson, we practised dividing using counters. We made equal groups using the counters and however many were left over we wrote as our remainder. 

Year 3 have continued to work on multiplying a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number. We have developed our confidence this week and have started to apply our learning to different activities in a carousel. We used our skills to go shopping, solve word problems and even work out the cost of flights!
Miss Bennett’s group have started looking at division, thinking about the vocabulary surrounding it. We have used counters, pictures and other resources to support our learning. We have also been practising our times tables as this will help us with dividing, especially with remainders when using the bus stop method. 
In English, we have worked hard to learn about inverted commas. We learned that inverted commas are used to show when characters are talking. We practised adding speech to sentences that had speech in them and in Year 4, we looked at changing reported speech into direct speech, including a comma before or after the reported clause. 
In science this week, we investigated the question: Does the length of the femur affect how far someone can jump? We completed the experiment, thinking about the hypothesis, equipment, method, results and conclusion. We analysed our findings  in order to conclude, thinking about possible reasons why we may have had the outcome. 
In food technology this week, we made smoothies! We made and tested smoothies which had a variety of different fruits in, before discussing which ones we preferred, didn’t like, and what we would change next time – evaluating the process. 
Important Reminders: 
Monday is Forest Schools for all pupils in LKS2. Please send the children in appropriate clothing and footwear. If possible, please send your child with their pumps/an alternative pair of shoes to wear inside the school building. 
Thanks and have a great weekend, 
LKS2 Team 

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