Newsletter – Key Stage One – 8.11.19

What a fun week back in Key stage one, where we have begun our new topic of castles and knights. Four amazing castles have sprung up in the classrooms which the children are loving exploring.

We have been learning all about Guy Fawkes, Robert Catesby and their friends and what they did to lead up to us celebrating Bonfire night each year. We have all been writing accounts of what happened, a confession letter from Guy Fawkes and year 2 had a debate using the opinion corners about who’s fault it actually was.

In Maths, Year one have been learning their number bonds to 10, using numicon, unifix cubes and other practical method. You could support their learning by giving them a number and see what number they would have to add to make 10.

Year 2 have been adding two digit to two digit numbers. As the week went on, we began to exchange, using both practical and written methods.

Our Science and DT this week, was investigating who could build the tallest tower. We thought about how to make it a fair test, where we would need to measure it from and also how we could improve them to make them stronger.

We are doing lots of outdoor learning so if your child has wellies that they can bring into school or leave in school, that would be helpful.

Dates for diary: Christmas play – Wednesday 11th 2pm

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West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500