Reception – Amazing Animals – Forest School

Reception kicked off their first Forest School lesson of 2024 by linking with their new topic of ‘Amazing Animals.’ Children made animals delicious meals in our mud kitchen and used a variety of toy animals to play in the sand pit. In there, they created homes for families of giraffes, dug a water hole for elephants and lions hunted zebras for food. Children also got to pretend to by monkeys and chimpanzees on our ninja slackline and imagined themselves swinging through tree tops. Throughout the morning, all children had the opportunity to visit the school animals where pupils filled up water bottles and food bowls and helped Mr Gamble clean out some of the hutches and sheds. They also gave the goats and guinea pigs a much needed hair brush before taking Nigel and Doughnut (our two school goats) out for a walk around the field. 

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