UKS2 – Newsletter – 03.02.2023

It has been a busy week in UKS2. 

In science this week, the children assessed the impact of friction on how a toy car travels.

To judge this, they first constructed a small ramp. The height of this ramp must remain the same throughout the experiment. Then, they tested different types of surfaces and saw how the surface of the ramp effected the distance the car travels.
They recorded their findings in their cross-curricular books and used them to make predictions for other surface materials.

Also this week, Great British badminton player Jenny Wallwork came to school! She ran a fun fitness circuit with the children and then delivered an inspirational assembly. The children had a fantastic time and really enjoyed themselves.

We would appreciate it if all sponsor forms and monies could be returned to school by Monday 6th February please.

Today in maths, the children were developing their understanding of time. They converted between 12 and 24 hour clocks, used minutes, seconds and hours to solve word problems, and developed their understanding further by drawing clock faces. All of the children worked exceptionally hard and showed good resilience using some challenging skills.


Remember, next Monday is Forest Schools. Children need to come in appropriate clothing for the cold, wet weather.

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