UKS2 – Newsletter – 06/10/23

A busy week this week in UKS2. 

Following our visit from Tony Peek and to celebrate National Poetry Week, we have been writing various poems all about our friends and ourselves! We planned our writes, thinking about what each stanza was going to be about, the rhyming couplets we were going to use, what type of rhyming scheme to use and any type of feature such as alliteration or onomatopoeia. Then, we published our poems. 

In maths this week, UKS2 became the teachers! We had to organise a school trip by reading different cards to find out the details. Some of the cards were irrelevant, and we had to decide which operation to use to work out certain details. 

Mrs Tillotson’s maths group have been focusing on perimeter and area as well as division and multiplication. 

In history this week, our inspiring individual was Lysimache: Priestess of Athens. We looked at answering our sub question, ‘What is a scholar and a philosopher?’ by researching about 6 different scholars and philosophers then chose which one we thought had the biggest contribution on our knowledge of the world. We discussed why we thought this using evidence that we had found, and wrote up our findings. 

In science, class 10 have been recording how long it took each person in their group to run a certain distance that was measured using a trundle wheel. Then, they calculated the mean average of each child’s scores. 


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