UKS2 – Newsletter – 19/03/2021

It has been an action packed week in UKS2. In PPA on Monday, Mrs Wood led a tennis themed carousel for the children in Year 5 and 6. Working on basic skills and mobility, the children had an amazing time and enjoyed the first spring sun of the year!

On Tuesday, Class 8 had a brilliant time exploring the algorithim and coding software ‘2logo’ on Purple Mash. There were some excellent creations and the children showed off their ICT prowess. 

On Wednesday, Miss Bennett led class 10 in an exploration of circuit symbols and design in science. After familiarising themselves with the written symbols and circuit representation, the children put their theoretical knowledge into practical use and built their own circuits! Safe to say there was plenty of buzzers heard down the upstairs corridor on Wednesday!

Finally, in maths this week, the whole of UKS2 have been revisiting their basic skills using fluency 15. Focusing on accuracy, presentation and recall, the pupils have produced some excellent maths work!

On Monday (22nd March 2021), please send your children to school in their Forest School clothing. 

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