UKS2 – Newsletter – 23.06.23

What a brilliant and busy week it has been in UKS2!

Year 6 pupils had their first in a series of golf lessons with professional golfer, Harry, from Cookridge Hall. After some quick guidance around stance and how to hold a golf club, the children were given a series of different challneges that involved control, power and accuracy when using a putter and iron. It was brilliant to see how quickly the children picked up the new skills and how much fun they had at the same time. We can’t wait for our next sessions!

This week in maths, Miss Barnicoat’s class have been exploring bus timetables. Using the Number 6 Headingley Line map, they first calculated bus arrival times for a series of stops. Then, using their understanding of timetables, were able to extrapolate this data to calculate the timings for a further 2 buses. Finally, the children challenged each other to real world problems that required them to interpret their timetable.

Year 5 continue to work hard on the ‘Leeds city of culture’ mural project. The mural is nearly there and ready for the big event at Ralph Thoresby on 15th July. 

We had a fantastic textile day! Children from Reception class drew pictures of a soft toy they would like the children in Year 5 and 6 to make them to support in their transition from Reception to Year 1. The children did a fantastic job at translating these pictures into accurate designs, which were labelled with measurements and materials requried. They created patterns for their creation and used pins to cut out the shapes needed out of felt. After having learnt two new stitches, the children brought their designs to life! 

In RE, the children learnt the story of a key spiritual leader in the Sikh faith: Guru Nanak. Firstly, they learnt his story to develop their understanding of how he became a spiritual leader. To do this they watched YouTube videos and had a class discussion. Then, they sequenced his story using the information on their tables. Following this, they discussed their different opinions about a spiritual leader. This was discussed in a tolerant and respectful environment.

Also in maths, the children from Miss Chambers’ maths class were given some true or false statements on your table. Each statement brought together their knowledge about angles on a straight line and around a point. They had to work out whether the statement is true or false, if it was false then they had to correct it.

Remember that it is cross-curricular day on Monday (26.06) so the children will need to be in Forest School clothing. They must wear clothing appropriate for the weather and remember a hat, waterbottle and sun cream!

Have a great weekend!

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