Wellbeing Wednesday – Forest School

Today we have had two excellent sessions with the pupils in Wellbeing Wednesday. The younger children discovered lots about ice and its properties. We went on an ice hunt around the Forest School area and were amazed at the patterns, colour and thickness of it in places. We also discussed how thick ice can trap objects and items in it so therefore decided to make our own ice decorations. Using loose parts from the field, we filled plates and arranged objects into patterns and shapes before adding string as a hook. Finally, we added water and have left them outside overnight to freeze. The group are very excited to see what they turn out like tomorrow. The older pupils were introduced properly to Nigel and Doughnut – the new school goats. They checked their enclosure for possible hazards and removed them, filled up feed buckets and hand fed them before learning how to walk them using leads. Next, the group worked together to take the pair of goats out for a walk around the field. Everyone took a turn at leading the goats and using the feed buckets as an incentive to walk when required. Finally, we cleaned out their shed whilst the goats milled around us even though they did try and climb into the wheelbarrow at times! 

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