Wellbeing Wednesday – Forest School

What a fantastic time we had today at our first Wellbeing Wednesday sessions. Group 1 spent their time learning about different elements of wellbeing. The children spent the entire session outside in the natural environment and completed challenges which Mr Gamble set them – such as find and collect something orange, something soft etc. Using the natural materials they’d found, pupils then created a picture before sharing their creation to the group. To finish, pupils carried on the theme of developing their physical wellbeing by exploring the treehouse and ninja slackline. To finish, pupils reflected on their feelings and whether exercise outdoors surrounded by nature had made them feeling good. The resounding answer was YES! The second group began their wellbeing journals and learnt about all six aspects of wellbeing. The group then spent the session working on making themselves hot chocolate using a kelly kettle which promoted communication, teamwork and cooperation. Over a nice, rewarding cup of hot chocolate, pupils found that this social challenge had brought them together and they’d got to know each other a little more. In their final reflections, the group discussed how social interactions impact on wellbeing and strategies we could use in the future to further develop this.

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