Y5 Only – Residential to Newby Wiske Hall in Year 6


We are very excited to inform you that we have already booked our Year 6 residential for July 2024 when your children are nearing the end of their time at Cookridge Primary. We have decided to try a new location – Newby Wiske Hall – which is a PGL residential centre. PGL own multiple residential centres across the UK and France and provide fantastic experiences for children of all ages. Newby Wiske Hall is one of their newest centres and is located in North Yorkshire. 

We are sending out information as early as possible in order to give you as long as possible to pay for your child’s place. We must inform them of our final numbers in September so we ask that you pay a deposit of £50 by Thursday 21st September 2023. If a deposit is not made by this date, we will presume you do not want a place for your child on the trip. As the centre has multiple schools on site, they cannot guarantee that we will be able to add extra spaces after this deadline.

I have attached a letter below which will  provide you with some further information and also inform you about an online meeting we will be holding where you will have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have.

Newby Wiske Hall Letter


Contact Us

Tinshill Drive
West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
