Year 4 Only – Lineham Farm Reminder

I would just like to remind Year 4 parents and carers that the deadline for the deposit, which secures your child’s place on the Year 5 residential in September, is 22nd July 2021.

If you want your child to attend, but may struggle to pay this deposit in time, please contact school so that we can have a discussion about this.

We want as many children as possible to attend and feel that this is a fantastic opportunity for them to have lots of fun, get to know their teachers, build communication and teamwork skills, and continue to build their resilience as they enter UKs2.

If you have any questions about the residential, please do get in touch or alternatively, click the following link where you will see some information slides that were presented on the information evening.

Lineham Farm Presentation

Thank you to those that have already paid.

Mr Kershaw

Contact Us

Tinshill Drive
West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500