Class 7 – Work update!
Happy Wednesday everyone!
We are half way through the week and I have had some amazing responses to the work we have been setting.
I want to give a shout out to Riley for his incredible effort making this Viking shield. He has also been working on lots of science experiments the past couple of weeks, keep up the good work Riley!

I also want to give a massive shout out to Ella who has sent in a video of her and her brother, with all of her Viking creations, reading lots and lots of fantastic facts about the Vikings.

Rosie has also been sending in her Viking creations. She has made an excellent and very realistic looking smaller scale longboat. Well done Rosie!

Finally, thanks to Mohammed who has sent in some of the SPaG and maths reasoning work he has been completing this week. He has also done a fact file all about Vikings. Keep it up Mohammed!

Don’t forget to keep sending in anything you have been getting up, we would really like to see your amazing activities!